Forum House
Stirling Road
West Sussex
PO19 7DN
T: 01243 787 335
Issues of family law – divorce and separation, children, cohabitation, money and property
and prenuptial agreements – require a sensitive approach. For many people of all ages and
backgrounds facing family difficulties or relationship breakdown, it is often how the issues
are handled, rather than the issues themselves, that most influence how they can move on
and rebuild their lives.
At Chichester family law practice, we understand the importance of listening, understanding
and then acting with the utmost of care. Allied with our professional knowledge of the legal
issues involved, and our extensive experience, built up over many years, we are ideally
placed to provide the information, advice and action that our clients require on a range of
family law issues.
Moreover, as a dedicated family law firm, we practice only family law – we are not a
general practice or a department of a commercial firm – and we are totally committed to
achieving fair resolutions to family law issues for our clients.
On this website, we outline the scope of our services, and how we are best able
to help our clients. To find out more, please contact us by letter, telephone or email.